Book Manuscript
Come Out Voting: LGBT Mobilization, Identities, and the Two-Party System (UNDER REVIEW)
Articles Under Review
Proctor, Andrew, Camille Cypher, Scarlett Ackeley, Morgana Warner-Evans. “The Representation of LGBT people in the U.S. labor movement.” Invited to Revise and Resubmit
Proctor, Andrew. “LGB capture? Presidential nominating conventions and the politics of sexuality”. Under Review
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Proctor, Andrew and Joseph Saraceno. Forthcoming. “Mayoral responsiveness to Latine lesbians and gay men.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics
Proctor, Andrew. 2022. “Coming out to vote: The construction of a lesbian and gay electoral constituency in the United States.” American Political Science Review. [link]
Proctor, Andrew. 2021. “Marginalization as a structural constraint: How group position shapes out-group hostility.” Political Research Quarterly. [link] [replication data]
Proctor, Andrew. 2020. “LGBT People as a Relatively Politically Powerless Group.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. [link]
Raychaudhuri, Tanika and Andrew Proctor. 2020. “(Dis)enfranchised Citizens: Informational messaging and Puerto Rican mobilization.” Politics, Groups, & Identities. [link]
Lowande, Kenneth and Andrew Proctor. 2019. “Bureaucratic Responsiveness to LGBT Americans,” American Journal of Political Science. [link]
Strolovitch, Dara, Janelle Wong, and Andrew Proctor. 2017. “A possessive investment in white heteropatriarchy? The 2016 election and the politics of gender and sexuality.” Politics, Groups, & Identities. [link]
Casey, Logan, Jesse Chandler, Adam Levine, Andrew Proctor, and Dara Strolovitch. 2017. “Intertemporal differences among MTurk workers: Time-based sample variation and implications for online data collection.” Sage Open. [link]
Works in Progress
Proctor, Andrew and Greg Koger. “LGBT Politics in Congress” (data collection stage).
Proctor, Andrew, Quinn Albaugh, and Elizabeth Baisley. “LGBT candidates and voters” (data collection stage).
Proctor, Andrew, Dara Strolovitch, and Tanika Raychaudhuri. “The political construction of crises and the politics of race, gender, and sexuality.”
Proctor, Andrew, Dara Strolovitch, and Adam Levine. “Policy biteback? Self-undermining rhetoric and the queer politics of same-sex marriage.”